Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Which Internet Browser Should I Use?

We live in America, the land of choice. Internet Explorer (48% market share), Firefox (30%), Chrome (13%), Safari(6%), and Opera (2%) are the current generation of browsers to pick from. Your new computer will only come with Internet Explorer preloaded on it (Windows PCs) or Safari (Mac PCs), but any one of the five can be added from their respective company's websites (except there is not an IE for the Macintosh). Yes, Firefox and Opera may be a little faster. Yes, IE is hacked a little more often than the rest. But all browsers offer pretty much the same features, so no advantage there. Also, IE is going to be the most compatible browser, since people who create special options on their websites are going to do so for the browser with the largest market share. The continued life of a browser is a concern, too. Firefox and Opera have limited revenue streams and could go bankrupt tomorrow. Chrome and Safari do not have the programming muscle that Microsoft does. What do we recommend? Most of you know that we are minimalists when it comes to adding software to a computer. We think you should only add programs that you absolutely have to add. There are not any truly compelling reasons to use a browser other than the one that ships with your computer. So, in most cases, we believe you should stay with Internet Explorer or Safari.

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